Welcome to CosieVic

CosieVic is a regular clothing optional swim, spa, sauna and massage event, where attendees can relax and socialise. Generally meeting on the 4th Sunday of each month.

CosieVic is a friendly, social, fun, community that hosts lifestyle events.

​All welcome, no annual membership, entry fee per attendance.

So tell me a little about yourself...

At CosieVic we encourage relaxation, and socialisation.

CosieVic is a fully volunteer run not-for-profit incorporated association that provides a welcoming and inclusive space where people 18+ of all genders, sexualities, nationalities and body shapes can explore their connection to the nudist / naturist / clothing optional lifestyle through the events that we run.

Our clothing optional events run in the western suburbs of Melbourne and allow people to socialise and meet others in the nudist / naturist / clothing optional community, explore their limits plus via shared experiences people can create lasting friendships.

CosieVic fills a gap in the Victorian nudist / naturist / clothing optional calendar with a monthly 18+ clothing optional, fully inclusive non-sexual swim, spa, sauna and massage exchange event (note: ID may be required as proof of age).

There are up to eight massage tables available for use and an area for socialisation. For massage, we will provide an “easy wash” oil or you can bring your own. (Allergy warning – massage oils may contain tree nuts or other allergens.)

And Then... What happens?

How are CosieVic events run?
• Arrive from 4:30pm, pay the entrance fee and enjoy the pool, spa, sauna & massage
•Massage exchange workshop starts at 5:15pm
•Shared supper commences at approximately 6:20pm
•Activities finish around 7:40 pm and we ask you to be be clothed by 7:45 pm so pack up can commence, assistance with pack up is always appreciated.

Shared Supper
We invite and encourage attendees to bring along something for the shared supper, if doing so please note the following:

•Due to the high humidity in the venue, chocolates are not recommended
•We have limited food heating options, so please bring something that can be served with minimal preparation
•Ideally your contribution will be in portions, or easily shared, such as sandwiches, cheese & biscuits, cupcakes, etc
•Tea & coffee will be provided at the events, for those wishing to bring their own beverages (non-breakable containers) please be aware that there are no fridges available and CosieVic are alcohol free events.

Please Note:
CosieVic does not screen food for allergies or intolerances and as such, we ask anyone with these restrictions to use their own knowledge and discretion when sharing communal foods. Venue requirements stipulate a no-glassware policy, this includes any drinks or food containers.

There must be rules yeah?

You MUST bring your own towel/s to cover the massage table and to dry yourself if you have a spa, dip in the pool or a shower. It is a requirement of the venue that whilst you sit down on a surface, the surface must be covered.

At the venue, there is no secure area to store clothing or belongings, please bring a bag to place your clothes in and then keep your bags out in the busier pool area (not left in the change-rooms). Please do not bring any unnecessary valuables into the facility.

CosieVic will not be responsible for any loss, however we will take reasonable care to ensure no harm or loss is incurred.

Inappropriate behaviour in any part of the complex by anyone, and the taking of photographs, will not be tolerated. 

The rules of public society apply at CosieVic, please respect other peoples boundaries. Please see our Code Of Behaviour (COB)  here

Massage @ CosieVic

You’re naked, you’ve had your swim, had a spa, had a sauna, now you can also join us in indulging in a massage.

The massage space we set up at CosieVic is a welcoming safe place for all participants to:

  • Join fellow nudists to partake in the various fun massage activities.
  • Swap massages one on one or two on one or even three on one
  • Socialise and connect with other participants
  • Facilitate an activity

We have focussed on fun type of group activities with our facilitated relaxation style massage sessions, which in the past have consisted of:

  • 10 hand massage workshop
  • Basic massage techniques workshop
  • Sensual massage workshop
  • Massage train workshop
  • Blindfold massage
  • Lomi Lomi massage techniques

We are always looking for ideas on other types of activities in these workshops, if you have an idea please let us know.

About the massage space

Once you have paid for entry into the Cosievic event, using the massage facilities is free. You just need to connect with somebody to do a massage exchange with.

CosieVic sets up the massage tables so as anyone attending the swim event can make use of the tables.

CosieVic does not provide a professional therapeutic massage services, we provide a space for massage exchange between event participants.

The massage area is set up with 8 tables. The massage area is popular and at times you may find all tables are being used. If this is the case you can either wait or just ask participants or a facilitator to join in on one of the tables in use. Don’t be too shy to ask.

The facilitated massage session (approx. 1 hour) often requires the majority of massage tables, please liaise with the facilitator for table space if not partaking in the session.

We encourage all users who are about to participate in a massage activity to communicate with each other in regards to the type of massage, areas of the body where it is ok to massage (or not ok to massage) and to obtain consent when giving a massage.

The CosieVic events (which includes the massage space) are strictly non-sexual, we encourage all attendees and users of the space to help us enforce this policy.

The CosieVic Committee looks forward to seeing you join in.

Frequently Asked Questions

Since the first CosieVic event in January 2023, we have averaged 50-60 people attending.

As CosieVic does not insist on a gender balance, and is inclusive of all genders, we do not limit the number of any one gender attending… however we do have women attending each of our events.

There is a full range of ages who attend. Minimum age is 18 and we currently have attendees well into their 80’s.

No … CosieVic events are for adults only, proof of age may be requested if you have the fortunate situation of looking younger than 18.

That’s OK, CosieVic is clothing optional, some people wear a T-Shirt, swimwear or a towel.

We all started somewhere, you have made the first step by coming to this website. We understand your anxiety, we encourage you to come along and see for yourself how friendly and welcoming everyone is. If you do not feel ready to remove some or all of your clothes, that’s OK.

Although bookings are not required but RSVP is preferred via our meetup group for logistics purposes.

Each monthly event we coordinate a facilitated massage session which is overseen and guided by an experienced massage facilitator.
The type of facilitated massage changes each month.
Please see massage section above for some examples.

Yes, the massage room is set up from 4:30p, to 7:40pm with 8 tables available and you can arrange with other participants for a massage exchange (e.g. receive a massage give a massage).
Note: The facilitated massage session (5:15pm for approx. 1 hour) often requires the majority of massage tables, please liaise with the facilitator for table space if not partaking in the session.

No, you do not need to bring your own massage oil, we do provide a water dispersible (Easy Wash) unscented oil. (Allergy Warning – may contain tree nuts)
You are welcome to bring your own oil if you wish.

It’s only natural for some people to become aroused. If you do become visibly aroused, you can cover yourself with a towel. Note: Sexual activity is not appropriate behaviour (see COB), as the CosieVic events are non-sexual.

There is a $20.00 pp entry charge, which is payable by cash, card or PayID on arrival. Please contact us by email if you’d like to pay in advance.

CosieVic strongly supports the Laws of the Australian States and Territories in respect of harassment and public behaviour and will vigorously support these laws to its fullest. More stringent laws of any state or territory have precedence over this code of behaviour.

• The rights of every person, are paramount in a clothes free environment.
• Further to the comments above, CosieVic has no intention of inhibiting or prohibiting mutually acceptable affectionate gestures within family units. Nor does it intend to intrude into relationships or the private acts of consenting adults in private, provided they do not take place within the event environment.
• CosieVic will not condone sexual harassment or sexual acts. These will have no place within CosieVic and will not be tolerated.

Members and guests are also advised they must abide by the rules of the venue.

• Unacceptable behaviour is defined as persistent staring, stalking or following, or crowding of an individual’s personal space. It also includes inappropriate or unwelcome touching or sexual acts or displays as well as any aggressive acts or threatening body language. If it is not acceptable within a family environment, it is not acceptable within event environments.

• Unwelcomed communications are defined as any unwanted advances, remarks, suggestions, propositions, gestures, threats, messages, ridicule or jokes of a crude or sexual nature. Persistent attempts to engage another person in clearly undesired conversation should be reported to the committee. Unsolicited comments and/or gestures about a person’s body are also considered unacceptable.

• Unauthorised photography and/or videoing (including use of camera phones) of people will not be tolerated at CosieVic, unless permission is obtained in advance from the committee or carried out by an appointed club photographer.
• Anyone who is aware of a photographer taking photos is obliged to report that person to the committee.

• Inappropriate touching is defined as unwelcome touching of another person’s body.

Any person experiencing or witnessing inappropriate behaviour is encouraged to report it as soon as possible to a CosieVic committee member.

Legitimate complaints referred to CosieVic will be investigated fully. If warranted, any behaviour that does not adhere to this code of behaviour will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Requests for confidentiality will be respected unless it is deemed necessary that the incident be referred to the appropriate authorities. Any acts that are contrary to this code of behaviour as outlined above, may result in that person’s expulsion from CosieVic events.

Wanna Chat?

Use the contact form bellow to get in touch or check us out on meetup via footer.

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      Victorian Naturist Event Calendar

      Hosted by CosieVic
      Current Month

        Metro East Association Inc.

        Metro East Association Inc is a nudist leisure club that has been operating since 1980. We have regular evening nude swim nights on the third Saturday of each month from February until November, and the first Saturday in December. The swim nights are conducted at a well established swimming pool in the outer South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Metro East Association Inc does not discriminate in any way. Everyone is most welcome to join us for our evenings of social nudity around the pool. And there is always a good supper.

        Melbourne Naturist / Nudist Social Group

        Melbourne Naturist / Nudist Social Group on Meetup Melbourne Naturist / Nudist Social Group on Meetup is a site where many Victorian groups list nudist and clothing optional events.

        World Naked Bike Ride Melbourne

        World Naked Bike Ride Melbourne 2025

        The World Naked Bike Ride returns to Melbourne on 2nd March 2025. World Naked Bike Ride is an annual, worldwide clothing optional bicycle ride. We aim to:-
        * Ride for cyclist safety.
        * Ride for sustainability.
        * Ride for positive body image.
        Please join us for our 20th consecutive year of hosting the longest running World Naked Bike Ride in Australia.

        Full details are on the web page.


        CosmeX is a regular clothing optional swim and massage exchange event, where attendees can relax and socialise in a like minded group. The Chewton venue has an indoor pool, spa, comfortable lounging and a massage area, as well as an outdoor area for use on warmer days. CosmeX promotes inclusion and welcomes all to attend, no membership required.